Wednesday, January 22, 2014

An Invitation to Our First Reception

To the women of The University of Texas:

Our university prides itself in creating leaders of the world and champions of change - an incredible feat when you think of the number of students who walk the 40 acres on a daily basis. With 50,000 students it is sometimes easy to get lost in the shuffle of everyday life and forget the reasons you were chosen to be a student at this university. You were chosen for a reason and you are here for a reason; that reason is to change the world and leave it a little bit better than when your journey first began. So today, I invite you to actively act on changing the world. I invite you to surround yourself with people who will inspire you to become the best version of yourself. I invite you to remember the reasons that you were chosen to be a part of UT. I invite you to apply to be a Texas Spirit.

Since becoming a part of this incredible tradition that has held firm to its four pillars of spirit, service, love and friendship for 73 years, I can undoubtedly say that I am on my way to becoming the woman that I had always hoped to be. Surrounded by 150 insanely amazing women who constantly inspire me to love more, learn more, and give more, I am pushing myself to places I never dreamed possible. Now, at this point you’re probably reading this and thinking, alright alright alright, Isabella, we get it, stop being so cheesy. For your sake, I will stop with the gooey stuff and give you some cold hard facts. Texas Spirits will give you an unforgettable college experience. Texas Spirits will inspire you to become a better person. Texas Spirits will change your life. Come find out how at our first reception, today, Wednesday, January 22nd at 5:00 p.m. in WCH 1.120.

Love and CIWY, 

Isabella Pereira
Chief Haunt 2014

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