Monday, February 6, 2012

Tap-Out Spotlight: Megan McKinney

              As the light filtered from street lamp to windshield, I commented on the crystal ornament dangling from her rearview mirror. A Parisian gift from a best friend at OU, Megan spoke with a kind of gentleness that made me feel like I was as precious to her as the crystal. I was one of 24 of her Weenie class, but a conversation with Megan makes you feel special because she is special… The first time we’d really bonded, who knew that trips to Bennu for late-night accounting study sessions would carry so much gravity?
Megan, a Spring ’10 Weenie, knows the power of a Weenie class. When asked about her favorite memory, Spring ’10 as a whole, takes the cake. “I cant pick one favorite memory, so I am going to be cheesy and say Spring 10 is my favorite memory, because the majority of the memories I love, Spring 10 is involved. From our EPIC spring break trip to just hanging out on a Tuesday, these girls have become everything to me.” 
Despite the changes of name, Spirits are still pretty “Spook”y. With traditions dating back to the 1940s, it’s not surprising that this aspect of Spirits is a favorite among members. When asked to pick a favorite among so many, Megan’s “favorite tradition is "CIWY" because its cute and creepy all at the same time and it means something special to every Spirit. And its feels pretty tight when people ask you what it means and you respond, ‘Well, I could tell you, but then I would have to kill you.’ Just kidding, I don’t really say that, but it is awesome when you tell people you can’t tell them what it means.”
Megan holds a distinct role in Texas Spirits. Spirit Haunt 2011, she was the motherly figure that ensured that the Weenies understood the magnitude of their position on the UT campus. They were to be Spirits, they had a standard to uphold; this message was made clear. Whether providing occasional, but much needed, comical commentary in classes, making notoriously funny faces or demonstrating her drop splits before you could say “I dare you,” Megan is the kind of friend that is able to make any situation a positive one.  Luckily, as much as Spirits has become better because of Megan, she insists that the feelings are mutual:
“It was an absolute honor to be selected back in February of 2010. Spirits has changed my life, has shown me so much love, and will always be in my heart.”

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