Friday, October 30, 2015

Dank Music to Burn Up Your Spotify

Here are some music suggestions by Fall '15 Weenie Daisy Holland. Enjoy the selections, and be sure to check them out!

1.     BØRNS
            This guy. What a god. Contrary to popular belief, BØRNS consists of just one guy who writes his own songs, plays several instruments, and also sings like an angel. Garrett Borns (stage name BØRNS) is a musical artist from Michigan, although his EP Candy and most recent album Dopamine give off the sweet, sunshiny vibe of his new home in Los Angeles. His songs utilize elements of synth-pop and indie alternative to create an upbeat backbeat that somehow fits perfectly with Born’s smooth falsetto. Lyrically, most of his songs focus on the deliriously blissful helplessness of falling in love, although my personal favorite “The Emotion” focuses on the intensity of one’s feelings and the ways they manifest themselves. After watching several acoustic versions and live performances of his songs on YouTube, one can’t help but fall prey to this man’s sheer talent.
Notable songs: Electric Love, Seeing Stars, Dopamine, Past Lives

2     Jukebox the Ghost
            If there was ever a band that could low-key pass for a musical troupe, it would be Jukebox the Ghost. With a peppy use of piano and clever lyrics, the catchy tunes of Jukebox the Ghost could pass as songs from a musical. The band consists of a trio of three guys (Ben, Tommy, and Jesse) who formed a band during their time in college. Interestingly, Jukebox the Ghost often plays on the contrast of its upbeat piano-backed instrumentals with its tragic, forlorn, and frustrated lyrics. A good example is their song “Victoria” which centers on the “poisonous”, unrequited love of the singer towards his love interest, Victoria. Between the theatrical cries of frustration from the main singer, Ben, and the effortlessly coordinated piano and guitar instrumentals it’s hard not to love that song (or the band, for that matter).
Notable songs: Hold It In, Girl, Sound of a Broken Heart, The Popular Thing, Hollywood

3     Saint Motel
            Quickly gaining fame after the release of their EP My Type, Saint Motel has acquired a mass following of fans who enjoy their retro, yet indie rock sound. The band is led by lead singer A/J Jackson, whose smooth, lulling tone and sleek falsetto perfectly complements the highly organized use of instruments. Saint Motel maintains a clean, calculated sound through its expert command of its instruments—and while the traditional guitar/drums/piano combo is noted in their songs, there is also a heavy presence of brass instruments, especially trumpets. Aside from their music, the band is also very gracious towards their fans—holding “Fan Appreciation Fridays” to feature weekly fan artwork on their social media pages.
Notable songs: Benny Goodman, My Type, Cold Cold Man, Feed Me Now

4     The Zolas
            Based in Vancouver, the Zolas are headed by Zachary Gray and Tom Dobrzanski, who have been creating music together since they were teenage boys in the school choir. Two main things stand out about their music: their masterful use of multiple instruments, especially the piano; and the depth and originality of their lyrics. The pianist in the band, Tom Dobrzanski, is especially talented in the way that he “demands” recognition through his masterful piano solos without taking over the whole song or drowning out his bandmate, lead singer and main guitarist Zachary Gray. Gray, for his part, possesses the rawness and sheer passion needed to match the mood of his lyrics, which utilize imagery and first-person reflection to comment on themes like romance, loneliness, vulnerability, and the frustration of unrequited love. While their sound has evolved over the years, their masterful use of varied sounds and thought-provoking lyrics still remains.

Notable songs: You’re Too Cool, Invisible, Strange Girl, Cab Driver, No Talking

~Daisy Holland

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