Monday, October 7, 2013

Spirit of the Week: Sami Griffel

Name: Sami Griffel
Hometown: Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
Major: Marketing, Textiles and Apparel minor
Weenie Class: Fall 2011

What is your favorite Spirits memory, so far?
Looking back on it, I most appreciate all the love and support I got from the organization (especially my Weenie class) when I was studying abroad in France! I was going through a really transitional time in my life and it felt so amazing to be getting so much Spirits love even though I was thousands of miles away. It definitely helped me feel more confident to step out of my comfort zone knowing that I had so much support back home! I love you guys!

If you could invite  five people to a dinner, who would they be?
Charles Bukowski to bring the booze, Mitch Hedberg to bring the laughs, John Darnielle (of The Mountain Goats) to play music, Alexander McQueen to design my dress, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt to be my date.

What is your favorite place in Austin and why?
Honestly, my bed. My spirit animal is a sloth so I'm all about the lazy days at home taking afternoon naps and refreshing the Reddit homepage a million times. But when I have the unusual urge to actually do something, I love to go to see live music at the venues on Red River (RIP Emo's).

What are three words that describe you?
So zany lol

Where do you see yourself in five years?
Living the glamorous life in New York City, i.e. working crazy hours for slave wages in the fashion industry but keeping myself in denial about it with a bottle of white wine.

What advice do you have for the new Weenie class?
Always, ALWAYS, do your Weenie dance when it comes on in da club. Even when none of your Weenie sisters are around. There is no excuse.

Congratulations, Sami! CIWY

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