Sunday, April 7, 2013

10,000 Roses

Ever wondered what the white roses are that everyone is carrying around campus that one random day each year? The roses are coming from the 10,000 Roses event that is put on every year by the White Rose Society. The White Rose Society is a UT Holocaust remembrance organization that raises genocide awareness. The 10,000 white roses that are passed our university wide symbolize the amount of people that were killed in Auschwitz during the Holocaust.

This year Texas Spirits and other UT organizations gathered together in the University Catholic Center to de-thorn the 10,000 roses and attach a small message for the recipient. The center was filled with a wonderful rose aroma and the roses themselves were as gorgeous as could be. As the storm brewed outside and the rain came down we worked hard and completed a 4 hours task in 2 hours. The next day more Texas Spirits took camp at random places throughout the UT campus to distribute roses to those passing by.

This was a truly wonderful event and Texas Spirits were honored to be able to help make 10,000 roses a success.

XoXo, TxSpirits

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